Friday, August 28, 2009

Estes Park Vacation

Last week, Nate, Danielle and I went to Estes Park for a few days of R & R. Grandma and Grandpa Christian were there for the first part of our vacation, so we were able to enjoy a lot of fun times with Gma & Gpa! Danielle and Nate hiked the mountains for the first time while I was feeling "back at home" after not being on the trails of Colorado for almost 11 years. It brought back great memories for me from my Adventure Staff days at LVR. We are already making plans for our next visit...hopefully to hike a 14eener. :) We are going to start training for that adventure!

Animals and all that Jazz

Through the summer, the Indianapolis Zoo presents "Animals and All That Jazz." Every Thursday throughout the summer, a variety of jazz musicians come to the zoo and provide music. You can come and listen to the music, eat some food, and visit the animals. We took advantage of this experience a couple times throughout the summer. It was nice because the animals were active, there were fewer people roaming the zoo, and we could let Danielle really explore the pathways to the animals. I think this could become a summer experience for our family.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Baptismal Birthday

Today is Danielle's Baptismal Birthday...the day she became God's child...a precious, chosen child of God! We give him thanks for the gift she has been in our lives and pray that the Holy Spirit continues to grow her in faith.

Blitz Indy 2009

July 31, 2009 began our 2nd Annual Blitz Indy. This year was particularly exciting because almost 500 disciples of Carmel Lutheran Church were out in the community "Blitzing"...using their hands and feet to serve others and serve the Lord. It was awesome! Our family was a part of the Youth Blitz at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Indianapolis. We were focused on community events, but Nate and I were able to do some of our favorite things, too, as we served (I painted and Nate did landscaping work. We were in our elements!) Danielle did her favorite thing, too...she was cute! :)
Looking forward to the 2010 Blitz!!